Best HR & Career Blogs Worth Reading

16 Blogs
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FlexJobs - Telecommuting Jobs Blog

A blog covering all sorts of telecommuting, part-time, and online job search topics, from resume help to home office tips to employment market trends.

CareerAddict | HR & Career Advice

Read expert career advice, get matched to suitable careers, revamp your CV and find exciting job opportunities near you.

Koleman Group Blog

The Koleman Group LLC was established in July 2010 and specializes in providing background checks to help organizations make better hiring decisions. They offer pre-employment screening to meet the needs of all businesses and tenant screening for landlords.

HR Bartender

HR Bartender is a friendly place to discuss workplace issues. It’s the official

blog of ITM Group, run by company president Sharlyn Lauby. HR Bartender

covers a wide variety of topics, giving business professionals a helpful

takeaway that they can immediately apply. Readers can find 3 - 4 new articles

every week. Pull up a stool, HR Bartender is always open.

Help for Ex-offenders and Felons Looking for Jobs

A blog that answers questions from ex-offenders and felons about getting jobs with a criminal record.

Healthcare Career Resources Blog

Healthcare Career Resources Blog offers articles on topics affecting the healthcare industry and healthcare employment. The articles are categorized by professions such as Physician, Nurse, Advanced Practice, etc, and also by topics such as Healthcare News & Opinion and Job Search Tips. We encourage and respond to comments, and we look forward to connecting with you at our blog!

Job board blog | Job Board Doctor

A blog about the business of job boards - launching, running, marketing, and selling job boards.

Lead Your Team Blog

Teamwork and Teambuilding Insights to Lead Your Team!

Interns Over 40

Interns Over 40: What we do.

Now that you’ve got two or three or more decades of work experience, you probably have some pretty well-developed skills. But being a skilled worker doesn’t necessarily mean you have a fulfilling career or that you know how to present your skills appropriately in today's world of online social media job hunting with Linked-In, Facebook, and a slew of career-related sites. The career you started in your 20s may not suit you or the job market today. Perhaps more importantly, what will the future need?

People change careers for many reasons: to pursue their passions, make better use of their skills, seek out new challenges, or respond to layoffs and negative business conditions. The days of lifetime jobs have been a thing of the past for some time. Workers aged 18 to 38 change jobs an average of 6 times. And this phenomenon is creeping up to people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. On top of that, we’re living and working longer than ever, so we can expect decades of job and career changes ahead.

Internships have traditionally given students the opportunity to test out new careers and gain some experience. But internships aren’t just for students anymore. Mid-career interns include skilled workers who are unemployed, underemployed, those who are returning to work after extended absences, semi-retired, languishing in contracting or a failing industry, bored, or just ready for change or new adventures.

Interns Over 40 is a re-careering business that inspires and equips its members with tools to evaluate career skills and preferences and to find and start new careers. A focused network of employers, career advisers, and educational tools are available to help mid-career workers transition to new a new field. This is a transition that, for many, has a monumental effect on their careers, incomes, and mental and physical well-being. The loss of a job whether by choice or by necessity, causes many to lose their sense of purpose.

Janeane's World

The thoughts, dreams, and ideas relevant to the modern woman dealing with family, work, and life

Steve DiGioia's blog

Steve DiGioia's blog is all about providing excellent customer service. He offers real-world tips and tactics to help readers wow their customers.

Employment Lawyer

Toronto labor and employment lawyers

Self Employed Ideas To Make Money On Your Own

Self-employment is the state of working for yourself rather than an employer. Self-employed individuals, or independent contractors, earn income by contracting with a trade or business directly. See top self-employed ideas to help you get started.

Michael DeSafey - Human Resource Professional

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit

Manage to Soar

A blog about leadership and people management. In-depth advice about all the common challenges you would encounter as a leader and corporate employee.

JoAnn Corley's Seminar-in-a-Bite

Short, high-impact podcast lessons for 21st-century workplace success. It's portable power learning for the busy professional- both individual contributors and managers.