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Three Wonder Trees: Liberation, Transformation, and Growth

A blog dedicated to helping you recognize old patterns and paradigms that are no longer serving you, cultivate a burning desire to take ownership of your life, and equip you with practical tools to make the necessary shift and grow.

Mamanee's Nest

A smorgasbord of recipes, Althea Angels beauty product reviews, event updates around the Metro-area, and a peek into the life of a busy Filipino mom are a must-read for anyone trying to keep up with what’s happening in town.

Candy Floss Crazy Blog

An irreverent look at the events industry, coupled with stories of our misadventures and trials and tribulations.


A collection of personal stories and Hindu mythology, Thitherwards extends an invitation to readers to immerse themselves in India's rich culture--past and present, at home or in the office, personal or political, religious or secular, fictional or real.

The author Brikut has a talent for spinning tall tales and for making a strong case on various issues with humor that makes you fall off your chair.

His exaggerations, animated speech, amusing metaphors, and wild imagination will get you hooked, no matter if you find his choice of topic interesting or not.

polishing peanuts

Polishingpeanuts is the personal and professional blog of Ian Anderson, a builder by trade who involves himself in international development work.

Take a look at the DIY projects he’s undertaken at his family home, as well as his professional portfolio in the construction industry.

Check out his reviews on books about construction, tools of the trade, and health and safety equipment.

You can also read about how living in Africa changed his life and the humanitarian work he’s involved in East Africa. He thoughtfully adds pointers for those looking to do volunteer work as well.

John Michael Creatives

A blog and works of the noted military historian, photographer, and published author - John Michael

Fierce Autie

Aviva Seigler is the executive director at Autistic Inclusive Meets USA and a website editor for Autistic Inclusive Meets. She is a writer, an activist, and an advocate. She is an LGBTQ+ autistic from South Florida, is married to a very supportive husband, and has seven children.

She has been fighting the CD protocol and other quack treatments since 2014.

She is a veterinary technologist (LPN for pets). She has her associates and bachelors degree in Veterinary Technology from St. Petersburg College.

She is very involved with scouting with her eight children.

Four of the children are autistic but all are Neurodivergent.

Her hope is to bridge the gap between allies and autistics while fighting the pseudoscience that threatens all people, not just autistics.

Before this Blog

I had been silently advocating by reporting parents to authorities who are abusing their children with quack treatments for years. Emma, Melissa and I have been working together in reporting these parents. Emma has been public about it for years and has been in the media numerous times. Only last year did Melissa and I come forward but it was not without Emma's help. An NBC reporter asked Emma and she told her about the two of us. 

The Start of Something New 

After being contacted by the reporter, I decided to start blogging. I mean really blogging. I had blogged before but it was not anything serious. I started with what MMS was. After that I wanted to use my science minded skills and include other forms of quackery. With the help of Emma and other members of the autistic community, I have a decent amount of people reading it. 

Looking back to when Bug was diagnosed, my own mother told me to listen to Jenny McCarthy. This was way before I thought I was autistic.  It scares me to think of what I would have tried if I did not have better judgement. I do not think I would have discovered my own neurology if that was the case. 

Why Fierce Autie?

I wanted a name that stands out. When I was moderating a group for daughters of abused parents, another moderator saw a photo of me shooting my bow and arrow at a scouting event. She told me I looked fierce. She called me the fierce advocate. I have been an archer since I was a brownie and it seemed fitting. That's why arrows are part of my logo. Archery is a large part of my life. 

Gaining Momentum

Anyway, I have been researching pseudoscience and backing up with science why they do not work, the side effects, etc. I created a list of all I wanted to debunk. I then separated my site into sections. With doing this, I asked around if a good and bad list of people/companies to interact with would be helpful. That's how my recommended and boycott list came to be. I list things as an accommodation to myself so making lists for the community was no big deal. 

After the article on NBC came out, the blog gained a ton of followers. Almost 1000 overnight. I could not believe it. I was helping people and that could not have made me happier. 

The Trolling Soon Started

I do have a lot of trolls commenting. I have had a lot of trouble keeping up with all the troll comments so I turned on comment moderation. After all, I work 12 hours on top of my blog so I do need time to catch up with them and this allows me to get to them at my own pace. The trolling does get to me sometimes but most of time they can be downright ridiculous. 

Why I do it

I maintain this blog as a source of information. I break down the science so other people can understand it. Every so often I hear of parents coming to me that I have helped them in some way. One major quackery that was debunked was Simple Spectrum Supplement. 

The other day I received this comment:

"Wow, Thank you for taking the time to research and write this! I was just about to purchase this for my son's! I can't Thank you enough."

This was at the end of a hard day with work and other personal things and this made my day. There are days with me doing this wondering if I actually make a difference. Reading this made me feel great. Her children were saved because of what I wrote. I will never stop writing about quackery as different quacks and methods surface. 

When doing something hard or anything worth doing, positive feedback is often the one thing that keeps that person going. I normally get trolls commenting but when I get comments like this, it keeps me going. It makes me want to do this forever. When you are doing something, you want to know if it is making the impact that you are striving for. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This should answer any questions about my blog and about me anyone may have.


Started in 2016, the blog offers a sneak peek into the life of a socialite who is just entering motherhood. Join her in her food and travel trips, beauty and fashion experiments, family adventures, and more.

What Mel Did

The digital journal of Melinda Fargo. A delightful collection of sincere and sarcastic musings on life by a newspaper columnist, editor-in-chief, amateur photographer, public speaker, and widowed mother of four grown-up children (who don't oppose her entering the dating scene again but warn her not to do 'daft things' like lift a six-person sofa).

Life of a Medic

The journey of a UK student aspiring to become a doctor. Get pointers on how to get into med school as he shares personal accounts, tips to thrive in class, and access to his A-level and Medicine notes.

My Voice

Ever wondered how life looks through the eyes of a clairvoyant? My Voice, a weblog by Miss LaToya Lawrence, offers you a peek!

A self-professed clairvoyant, she shares everyday stories with words like vibrations, energies, spells, magic, and whatnot casually thrown in here and there. She also offers an understanding of the workings of the spiritual realm and how it affects the physical world.

She also speaks proudly of being a caul bearer and a rootworker. Find out what that means and more on her blog!

Filatura L'Anello Grande

A blog about mountain bikes, cycling as an activity and sport, craft beer, and homebrewing.

A Life Of Lovely

The life of a city-girl-turned-country-bumpkin mom who, along with her partner and 4 kids, has found a home amongst 3 dogs, 7 pigs, 3 sheep, 2 goats, 2 ducks, 14 chickens, 1 turkey, and a cat. She writes about her life in rural Somerset, mental health, and ethical and sustainable living.

Dylan Lepore, The Part-Time Gamer

I AM A RICHMOND-BASED FREELANCER, JOURNALIST, ENTREPRENEUR, EDITOR, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND VIDEO GAME ENTHUSIAST. Here’s my career by the numbers: I’ve edited over 500 articles, published 49 issues of Radford University’s weekly newspaper, designed 14 websites, produced 275 YouTube videos, I host 2 podcasts, and my photography has been featured in many news outlets and publications. I’ve also written over 100 articles on the gaming industry.

My Brain's Not Broken

My Brain's Not Broken is a mental health blog by Nathan Smith about living with mental illness and promoting mental wellness. Nathan uses his experiences living with depression and anxiety to discuss strategies and techniques to find balance and wellness in live a mentally healthy life.

Live on Impulse

Live on Impulse is a collection of ramblings of a twenty-something woman trying to make sense of the world around her. She flip-flops between hating traditional views and embracing fundamental principles, wanting spontaneity and desiring comfort and warmth, and being hopeful and brooding.

Delve into her mind and heart through her free verse poetry as she grapples with the beauty and complications of life, love, and relationships. Other than poems, there are also short essays packed with insights on how things are and how things ought to be.

My Corner of the World

My Corner of the World is a slice-of-life blog by Lavender, a mom of two and a project manager who resides in India.

She offers snapshots of her life through no-holds-barred yet amusing accounts of family life with her kids Lime and Lily and husband Lemon, tender recollections of childhood, and more. If you don’t speak Tamil or Hindi, do get Google Translate ready on the next tab to understand the occasional local phrases thrown in here and there.

Virtual Lab Rats

A miscellany of product and service reviews, food and restaurant critique, urban and nature exploration guides, homesteading articles, health features, tech updates, and more.

This Organised Mom

An organizational blog for the disorganized mom. Tips & hacks on how to become a more organized mom

Breakfast In Bed: Rowan Stanfield's Brighton Blog

Thirty-something girl-geek writing about life's everyday adventures, with an emphasis on food, friends, arts, and live music in Brighton and beyond.


Rasmenia Massoud is a writer from Colorado currently living in France, where she spends her time speaking French poorly and writing fictional stories about what fascinates, confuses, and infuriates her the most—human beings. Her works of fiction have appeared in various literary magazines and she blogs semi-regularly about the awkwardness and joy of expatriation, the craft of writing, and a myriad of other topics.


Memosne chronicles the journey of a woman trying to develop her personal palette and create her own style. The blogger is a global citizen who has lived in different parts of the world, including Northern California, Beijing, Taipei, and British Columbia.

Join her as she tries different makeup and beauty products, documents her OOTDs, and more. Besides building her personal style, she also loves to indulge her love for good food. Expect to find reviews of the dishes she's tried and her dining experience in different restaurants.

Posts, whether beauty- or food-related, come with clear photos. So, they’re informative, visual, and easy on the eyes.

Life. Lead. Yoga.

This blog discusses leadership challenges, personal challenges and how yoga and mindfulness can help to improve all aspects of your life.

Musings of an Insomniac

I do not write poetry; I take words and dip them in feelings ~ Arti Honrao True to these words, ‘musings of an insomniac’ is an anthology of poems that deals with raw emotions; let it be about life, relationships or serious subjects of Depression and Death.

Mom MD Hawaii

This blog is an eclectic mix of a sports medicine physician's hectic life as a full time working physician, wife, and mother. Topics include crafts, DIY, life hacks, and relevant medical tidbits.

LaToya-The Writer:The Clairvoyant/Medium

Born with a caul or veil and spiritual gifts. A clairvoyant's true-to-life experience and inspirational journey through life in general.

Freedom & privacy blog. I share the latest news and opinions on freedom of speech, personal privacy, human rights, and resisting tyranny and fascism.

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